Top Beers

Beer 101: Top 5 beers that make everyone go gaga

We all know that Australians love beer. Whether it’s a birthday party or an anniversary party; you’ll always find their places loaded with all sorts of beer. The majority of them also love to brew at home. Here is a list of the top 5 beers Australians vouch for. 

Victoria Bitter

One of the best and ancient beer products in Sydney is Victoria bitter. The top of the bottle is made in such a manner that the beer remains fresh for a longer period. Moreover, every unique feature of this beer has a special purpose. For example, the brown glass body can reflect light and aids in maintaining the beer fresh for a longer duration.

This beer was introduced in 1968 and identified as one of the iconic beers. It has also got the status of legendary Australian Brewer.


One of the best bees in Sydney is the Queenslander beer named XXXX. The beer named XXXX introduce in 1924 and recognized as the long tradition celebration that indicates the use of Xsbased on sparkling ale. At present, numerous brands come under XXXX such as XXXX Gold, XXXX summer bright lager, and XXXX bitter. This beer isgenerally found at the restaurants, pubs, and clubs. Amongst all brands of XXXX, XXXX bitter is known as one of the stout beer contains 4.5% ABV. XXXX considered one of the prominent beers of Australia.


Cooper’s is the most significant local brand owned by South African company SABMiller and giants Kim. It is usually used in home brewing equipment and offers a variety of beers therein. Cooper’s beers have a pale ale and sparkling ale colorand are widely available in bottles and cans.

Since copper’s family controls it, the shares of the company do not fall outside the family league. Sparkling contains 5.8 ABV and comes in red label color that is more alcoholic as compared to a pale ale. The cooper’s beer has also been vouched by Sydney home beer brewing.


The brand was found by Irish immigrants in the year 1869 and widely used by locals in south wales. The very first brand of Tooheys introduced in 1930 with a name as a pale lager, which continues to brew. Tooheys not only served as the best beer produced in the suburb of Lidcombe but also created the ciders. The beer in Tooheys brand owned by the Japanese Mitsubishi keiretsu and delivers an ample number of beer products such as red bitter, gold bitter, Tooheys new as well as Tooheys old, among which red bitter contains 4.2 ABV in it and high as compared to other beer products of Tooheys.

Ginger pop beer

Ginger pop ale by Hairymam Brewer is a ginger beer contains 4.7 ABV that has a flavor of ginger in it,and this, in particular, makes it a hot favorite of Sydney home beer brewing brewers. The ingredients of ginger beerare basically ginger, lemon juice, and sugar that gives it a cloudy appearance. Due to the fermentation, it becomes more alcoholic and strong in taste. It has a spicy fragrance. There is a thin line difference between ginger beer and ginger ale, as ginger ale has a soft fragrance that is not found in ginger beer. And ginger beer is generally recognized as a nonalcoholic drink —carbonated and manufactured by the process of natural fermentation.

Which one is your favorite?

Australia is home to beers. You will always have ample and more to choose from and decide which one Is your favorite. You can either buy from the shop, have in the pub or brew at home. And this makes us realize that Sydney home beer brewing extensively offers various home brewing kits and supplies to help you make your perfect batch of home brewing beer. Hop on to the website, check out the products, and buy your favorite ones.

To read more about beer, check out our reviews.